Oahu with hawaiian okina
Oahu with hawaiian okina

oahu with hawaiian okina

They are actually a letter in the Hawaiian language, meaning that the vowels have to be emphasized while pronouncing the word. That's why it is set apart by the two okina in the middle, the little hooks that look like apostrophes. Each one of the "a" vowels is pronounced separately and distinctly. In the Hawaiian language, it is written Ka'a'awa. Foreigners often times stumble over the town's name and think it may be misspelt because it has three vowels in a row. : village (or district), island, county, Hawaii, USA.Įdit: added tag place_names - left naming_conventions, even though that tag is for people names, not place names.Ka'a'awa is a small town on Oahu's windward (eastern) coast in the district of Koolauloa. Hawaii Territory was the term used by the US Government, notably on the census.ġ905: village (or district), island, county, Territory of Hawai'i, USA. Territory of Hawai'i is the preferred usage and the name used by the islanders.

oahu with hawaiian okina

: village (or district), island, Territory of Hawai'i, USA. : village (or district), island, Republic of Hawaii. : village (or district), island, Provisional Government of Hawaii. The kingdom was a bit nebulous with ongoing warfare and many smaller islands annexed much later.

oahu with hawaiian okina

Granted this information is typically only known for nobles.ġ795: village (or district), island, Kingdom of Hawai'i. Pre-1795: land of your local ali'i (hereditary noble) who in turned served an ali'i nui (ruler of an island). Hawaiian vowels can be long or short as well for more unicode fun.įor any Hawaiian location other than the state name, use 'okinas (or apostrophe) where called for Ni'ihau, O'ahu, Hawai'i (county, island, territory, nation), Moloka'i, etc. Prior to statehood, the 'okina should be used retroactively as the pronunciations remained the same despite limitations in the original written language created by non-native, 19th century missionaries. For ease of use, they are typically represented by the standard apostrophe, however. Throwing out some thoughts and suggestions for discussion on how to handle Hawaiian locations and the use of 'okinas.īy legal definition upon annexation, the state name is Hawaii, with no 'okina, 'Okinas are backwards curved apostrophes and are considered letters in the written Hawaiian language, representing a glottal stop, not punctuation marks.

Oahu with hawaiian okina